Biomedical Waste                    Any solid or liquid waste that might pose a threat of disease to humans including non-liquid tissue, body parts, blood or blood products and body fluids, laboratory and veterinary waste which contains human disease- causing agents, and discarded sharps (i.e. syringes, needles, scalpel blades).


Bottom Ash                                 The course non-combustible and unburned material that stays at the burn site after burning is complete. This includes materials remaining in the burn chamber, exhaust piping and pollution control devices where such devices are used.


Burn Box                                      A large metal box used to burn solid waste. Combustion air is usually provided passively through holes or vents cut above the base of the box. An exhaust pipe or stack may or might not be attached.





Commercial Camp                   A temporary, seasonal or multi-year facility having a capacity greater than 15 people and which has been created for research, industrial or commercial purposes. A commercial camp doesn’t include a traditional camp or field camp. This includes roadways and land subject to block land transfers. Most Commissioner’s Land is located within municipalities.


Contaminant                             Any sound, heat, vibration or material and includes such other material as the Minister may prescribe that, where discharged to the environment,


Determined Effort                    The ongoing review of opportunities for reductions and the implementation of changes or emission control upgrades that are technically and economically viable and which result in on-going reductions in emissions. Determined efforts include the development and implementation of waste management planning that’s focussed on pollution prevention.

  • endangers the health, safety or welfare of persons,
  • interferes or is likely to interfere with the normal enjoyment of life or property,
  • endangers the health of animal life, or
  • causes or is likely to cause damage to plant life or to propert


De Novo Synthesis                   The creation of complex molecules from simple molecules.


Environment                              The components of the Earth and includes


Field Camp                                  A temporary, seasonal or multi-year facility comprising tents or other similar temporary structures with a capacity of 15 people or less and which has been created for research, industrial or commercial purposes.   A field camp doesn’t include a traditional camp or commercial camp.

  • air, land and water,
  • all layers of the atmosphere,
  • all organic and inorganic matter and living organisms, and
  • the interacting natural systems that include components referred to in paragraphs (a) to (c) above.


Fly Ash                                          Unburned material that’s emitted to the air in the kind of smoke or fine particulate matter during the burning procedure.


Hazardous Waste    A contaminant that’s a dangerous good and is no longer desired or is unusable for its original intended purpose and is intended for storage, recycling, disposal or treatment.





Incinerator                                  A device or structure intended primarily to incinerate waste with the aim of reducing its volume, destroying a toxic chemical in the waste or destroying an infectious substance in the waste. An incinerator has means to control the burning and ventilation procedures.


Modified Burn Barrel              A metal drum used to burn waste that has been affixed with features or devices which offer limited increased heat generation, heat retention and holding time.


Open Burning                            Burning of waste with limited or no control of the burn process. For clarity, open burning includes burning on the open floor or having a burn box or unmodified or modified burn barrel.


Qualified Person                       someone that has an appropriate degree of knowledge and experience in all relevant areas of waste management.


Responsible Party                    The owner or person in charge, control or management of the waste.


Smoke                                  The gases, particulate matter and the other products of combustion emitted into the air when a substance or material is burned like dust, sparks, ash, soot, cinders and fumes.


Solid Waste                                 Unwanted solid materials discarded from a home (i.e. single or multiple residential dwellings, other similar permanent or temporary dwellings), institutional (i.e. schools, government facilities, hospitals and health centers ), commercial (i.e. shops, restaurants) or industrial (i.e. mineral, oil and gas exploration and development) facility.   For clarity, solid waste doesn’t include biomedical waste, hazardous waste or sewage sludge.


Traditional Camp                      A temporary or seasonal camp used primarily for camping, hunting, fishing or other cultural or traditional activities. A traditional camp doesn’t include a field camp or commercial camp.


Unmodified Burn Barrel         A metal drum used to burn waste which hasn’t been affixed with features or devices which provide for enhanced heat generation, heat retention and holding time.


Untreated Wood                      Wood that hasn’t been chemically impregnated, painted or similarly modified to improve resistance to insects or weathering.


Waste Audit                                An inventory or study of the quantity and type of waste that’s created at a location.


Unmodified Burn Barrel         A metal drum used to burn waste that has not been affixed with devices or features which provide for enhanced heat generation, heat retention and holding time.


Untreated Wood                      Wood that has not been chemically impregnated, painted or similarly modified to improve resistance to insects or weathering.


Waste Audit                                An inventory or study of the amount and type of waste that is produced at a location.




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