Dual-chamber controlled air incinerator or Double – chamber pyrolytic incinerator

Types of incinerator design acceptable: Dual-chamber controlled air incinerator or dual- chamber pyrolytic incinerator

Materials of construction: The incinerator will not have any asbestos, asbestos-containing substances, mercury thermometers, and mercury switches. Refractory materials shall have the ability to fulfill relevant standards under ISO TC33 and CEN/TC    187. Waste feed system into the combustion chamber batch or continuous loading: For continuous loading, the automatic charging ram or auger feed system will be capable of injecting small quantities of waste at frequent intervals and should have the ability to prevent waste from being fed when the combustion chamber temperature is less than 850°C. Moreover, the waste feed should just be able opened at or below 50°C in an ambient temperature of 21°C. Primary combustion chamber: Shall be constructed with a casing (reinforced to withstand internal pressures without deflection or damage to the refractory or other components) supported by a structural framework and provided with refractory lining and insulation

Grate system for the primary chamber Moving grate, traveling grate, reciprocating grate, or rotating drum grate

Primary combustion chamber temperature # 850°C with no cold spots

Secondary combustion chamber: Shall be constructed with an exterior casing (reinforced to withstand internal pressures without deflection or damage to the refractory or other components) and provided with refractory lining and insulation

Secondary combustion chamber temperature 1100°C or higher

Secondary combustion chamber residence time # 2 seconds after the last injection of air in the secondary chamber


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