medical small incinerator

Dimensions: World standard: 0.83m(I) x 1.0m(w) x 1.4m(h)

Burning efficacy: >98% china double chamber incinerator


?     Waste type and burn rate: Designed specifically for use by poultry

farmers, game-keepers and for pet cremation. The incinerator will burn

up to 50 kg of waste per hour.

?     Construction: solid steel welded fabrication composed of sheet

steel and structural section supports.

?     Lining: Monolithic high grade refractory concrete with high grade

insulation backing. Typical hot face temperature lining up to 1300o C

?     Burner: LPG oil/natural gas/bio gas flame / Diesel


?     Exterior finish: Multi-coat high quality, high-temperature aluminum

enamel  top coat paint, finished in silver.

Control: Manual temperature display




Refractory walls and roof

5 mm mild steel

Heavy angle and channel

1550 degree Celsius castable general purpose high strength, high abrasion resistant monolithic refract concrete

High quality cast iron

5 mm mild steel lined with 1550 degree Celsius castable general prupose high strength, high abrasion resistant

monolithic refractory concrete

1550 degree Celsius castable general prupose high strength, high abrasion resistant monolithic refractory concrete


13   Refractory concrete — alumina content  At least 48%

14   Refractory thickness  Not thinner than 102 mm but in primary chamber minimum 152 mm and 125 mm thick

15   Insulation to walls      1000 level castable insulation

16   Chimney stack


Diameter of chimney in top

Weight of stack

5 mm mild steel

Minimum 430 Millimeter

Approx 500 kg

17   Controls

Barometer damper

Door operated draught limiter

Air supply: built in forced draught heated atmosphere primary and secondary (intensifier)

Control panel includes circuit breakers, main switch, timer, 2 set point pyrometer and one set stage pyrometer,



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