Pet cremation incinerator price

Intermittent Feed (w/optional loader): .9 yd3/hr (.7 m3/hr) up to 8 hrs/day





Specifications: Length overall -9′-6″ (2896 mm) batch system w/o loader





18′-6″ (5639mm) w/optional loader system Width overall -7′-6″ (2820mm)





Height (w/o stack) -10′-0″ (3048mm) Approx. Weight – 14,000 pounds.



All pollutant concentrations must be expressed at Oo C and 1.013 x 10 5 N/m2, dry gas and 11% oxygen correction.


Oxygen correction is calculated as:


Es =      21 — Os    x EM

  1. The average dioxin and furan concentration in the emissions should not exceed 80ng/m3 total dioxins and furans

21 – OM


Where:   Es   = Calculated emission concentration at the typical percentage oxygen concentration

EM = Measured emission concentration

Os   = Standard oxygen concentration

OM = measured oxygen concentration


10   Operation     1.    Materials destined for incineration should be of known origin and composition and has to

be just incinerated in a furnace that’s registered for the particular sort of waste.


error should be recorded in a log book and reported to the appropriate authority.




11   Housekeeping     The site where the incinerator is built must:




  1. A record must be kept of the quantity, type and origin of the waste to be incinerated.
  2. The incinerator must be preheated to working temperature before charging any waste.
  3. The incinerator must not be overcharged.
  4. The incinerator must be in good working order at all times and must not be used if any component fails. Any

12   Health & Safety (Protective Gear) 1.    Staff handling waste has to be well trained on safe handling of

hazardous wastes

  1. The incinerator operator and all relevant staff must be trained to the satisfaction of the relevant control





  1. Have running water.
  2. Have a solid floor.
  3. Have lighting if 24hrs operation
  4. Have fly ash containerization and storage before disposal.



12   Health & Safety (Protective Gear) 1.    Staff handling waste must be well trained on safe handling of

hazardous wastes

  1. Staff must be provided with appropriate protective gear such as, gas mask, aprons, gumboots, helmets, gloves,



  1. Caution and Warning signs must be provided.
  2. Fire fighting equipment must be provided
  3. There should be no smoking or eating on the site.



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